Rogers Drug History (as we know it):
Samuel Sylvester Cobb opened Wagoner’s first drug store in 1890 on the northeast corner of Main and Cherokee. The new pharmacy was called S.S. Cobb & Co. Drugs and it also operated as the town’s post office. The original building was a simple small framed structure and he quickly outgrew it. In 1895, he moved the business into his own brand-new building that he had built in the same location. The Crew Brothers (unsure if they were pharmacists) bought the pharmacy from S.S. Cobb. We believe they kept the pharmacy in the Cobb building until Charles Rogers purchased it from them. It is thought that while the Crew Brothers owned the pharmacy, the name could have been changed to Loeser’s Drug Store which can be seen in many local vintage pictures. In other photos of the time, “J.L. Beardsley Druggist” can also be seen displayed on the side of the store.
Pharmacist Charles Franklin Rogers Sr., who worked for the Crew brothers at their Hulbert, OK pharmacy, was offered the chance to purchase the store. Rogers stated that he would rather own their Wagoner, OK location. Deals were made, the dates are vague, but Rogers ended up with both locations. Rogers left Hulbert in 1927 to run what became Rogers Drug Company. His brother James (Jimmie) V. Rogers remained to run the Hulbert store. Unfortunately, the Hulbert location was lost due to fire.
In 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, appointed Charles F. Rogers as Postmaster. The certificate bearing the president’s signature can still be seen at Rogers Drug. The business was rolling along and Rogers hired Walter Harvey. Harvey ran the front of the store, from 1930 to 1939, while Charles served as the pharmacist and postmaster. Harvey went on to become a Rexall sales representative. Rogers Drug also had at least two red- letter pharmacists, “Mac” McCuley and Homer Blake. They even had an assistant pharmacist, Verna Mae Mitchell, another long-time employee. An assistant pharmacist is a little-known title/designation in Oklahoma. The state board quickly eliminated this type of licensure. The assistant pharmacist could work alone if the actual pharmacist was on site for at least 28 hours a week.
Ronald Nicholas graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in 1964 and quickly began working for Rogers Drug. In 1972, Mr. Rogers suffered a fatal heart attack and Nicholas bought the store. During his time at the pharmacy, Mr. Rogers accumulated many Wagoner artifacts. The Wagoner Mercantile Company’s cash register, a 1913 National 4 drawer, was purchased by Mr. Rogers following the crash of 1929. Ronald Nicholas used it as the only register for the business until 2010. It can still be seen in the store today. In 1936, Mr. Rogers had a marble-topped soda fountain installed. It was a favorite of many, but it was always breaking down according to Nicholas. “L.A. Moore was the only person who could work on it and when he got sick, we had no one to fix it.”, said Nicholas. The fountain was eventually sold to a Tulsa resident and was included in their home.
Around 1978 Ronald moved the store to its current location and in November of 2008 Steve Nicholas, Ron’s son, acquired the pharmacy. In 2017 Steve completed an extensive remodel of the store allowing for better work flow and customer service.
Ronald Nicholas states, “There have been several other drug stores that have opened and closed in Wagoner.” He says that Mr. Rogers did buy City Drug of Wagoner, located in the Harris Building, but other than that he is unsure if the other stores were bought by Charles Rogers. Some of the closing stores may have simply brought their old inventory to the store. Many collectibles from different drug stores were stashed at Rogers Drug, but most were lost, destroyed or given away in the move of 1976.
Ronald is quoted as saying, “I wish I wouldn’t have let all those things get away when I moved.” Despite his statement, many of the items were donated to families, loaned to the Wagoner Historical Society, or just carried off. We are sure that the items went on to serve a greater purpose.
This information has been provided by word-of-mouth. Please contact us with corrections, additions or photos.
Pharmacy Staff
Stephen P. Nicholas, B.S., D.Ph. - doctor of pharmacy
Steve is the owner and president of Rogers Drug Company. He is a proud 1985 graduate of Wagoner High School and a 1991 graduate of Southwestern Oklahoma State School of Pharmacy. Steve is the son of Ron and Cecilia Nicholas, and brother to Holly Jones. He is married to Jennifer Magness and has 4 children and 3 grandchildren.
Ronald W. Nicholas, B.S., D.Ph. - Doctor of Pharmacy
Ron is the previous owner and president-emeritus of Rogers Drug Company. He was the owner of Rogers Drug Company from 1972 to 2008. He is a proud 1959 graduate of Wagoner High School and a 1964 graduate of Southwestern Oklahoma State School of Pharmacy. Ron is the father of Steve Nicholas and Holly Jones. He is married to Cecilia Nicholas.
Colby L.S. Greuel, B.S., PharmD - doctor of Pharmacy
Colby is the most recent addition to Rogers Drug Company. He is a proud 2010 graduate of Coweta High School, a 2014 graduate of Northeastern State University, and a 2017 graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy. Colby is the son of Steve & Kara Greuel, and brother to Garrett Greuel. He is married to Loren Greuel. They currently have 2 biological children and are fostering as well.
Traci Moss, CPhT, Pharmacy Technician
Traci has worked as a state certified pharmacy technician since 2000 and joined the Rogers Drug team in 2010. Traci is a proud 1984 graduate of Wagoner High School. She is married to Wesley Moss and has 2 children.
Tommie Neal, CPhT, Pharmacy Technician
Tommie joined the Rogers Drug team in 2015 and was quickly licensed as a state certified pharmacy technician. Tommie is a proud 1995 graduate of Wagoner High School. She is married to Don Neal Jr. and has 3 children.
Luther, Official Pharmacy Mascot
Luther was born August 15, 2013 and quickly rose to the top at Rogers Drug Company as the store’s official mascot. Only recently did they give him the publicity he deserves when the new store logo was created in 2017 which features Luther’s face in the name Rogers Drug.